Committee Opportunities

  • Administrative Council consists of representatives of all the other boards and committees with several members at-large. The council helps to give direction and accountability to the ministries of the church.  It is the governing body of the local congregation. 

  • Christian Connection program matches a youth (grades 6th-12th) with an adult mentor.  The adult is encouraged to pray for the youth and remember them at special times of the year such as birthday, holidays, and special school functions.  The youth keeps their Christian Connection until they graduate from high school and it is our hope that a lasting friendship and prayer relationship will form.  

  • College/Military Ministry is the CUMC's connection to the college students and those serving in the military.  Each week a Bible verse and encouraging words are emailed to the students and military.  A devotional book is mailed to them every other month.  Greeting cards are mailed for Back To School, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines Day and Easter.  Gift cards are sent during finals week to encourage the students to take a study break.  The military also receive gift cards to encourage them as they serve our country.  Our church gives scholarships to college students who apply. 

  • Evangelism & Mission Committee: Evangelism is about sharing good news and drawing people to Christ.  It includes our hospitality, follow-up and our invitation. Missions is about responding to needs, caring for people and showing the love of Christ.  Missions helps us move beyond the building. 

  • Nurture Committee combines several ministries to meet together for support.  Meetings are held at the church on every fourth Wednesday of the month, at 6:15 p.m. The committee includes the Card Ministry, Food Ministries, Education, Christian Connection, Prayer Shawl, Higher Education, Weddings, Births, and Prayer Chain.

  • Prayer Team was formed five years ago as a result of the Wesley Putnam week of worship services.  Since that time, there have been six faithful prayer warriors who have met on a weekly basis to pray.  The prayer team meets in the parlor every Sunday afternoon from 4:00 to 5:00.  The Prayer Team lifts up special health concerns, ministries of the church, Pastor Doug and Sara, our community, our country, and other concerns as they are brought to the Team's attention. Everyone is Welcome.   

  • Staff-Parish Relations Committee: The SPR helps evaluate ministry needs and how best to meet the needs; acts as a liaision between staff and the congregation.  The SPR has the duty of hiring staff as needed (except the Pastor, who is appointed).

  • Trustees deal with maintenance and upkeep, any issues with existing church property, insurance, landscape etc.

  • Worship Committee helps plan and evaluate worship, recruit volunteers - such as to aid in communion, special services, train acolytes, etc.  The Worship Committee meets with the Pastor to set time and dates for special services.

If you would like more information, please contact the church office at (316) 542-3511 or by email at