Youth Ministry

We have had a wonderful school year with all our youth. I am thankful for our ability to gather in-person and to do so safely for the entire school year! As we wrap up this spring semester, we will be focusing on worship. When you hear the word "worship," you might think of a church building, a choir, your favorite worship song, or maybe a special tradition. Worship takes a lot of forms, but sometimes we make the mistake of thinking worship is something it's not — or, at least, something much smaller than what it really is. You can worship through song and meaningful traditions, but when's the last time you worshiped by going outside? Or cleaning up your neighborhood? Or making a friend? Or telling God you're angry? We'll explore the book of Psalms (worship songs to God) as we discover that worship might be bigger than we ever imagined. Maybe worship isn't just an anthem we sing, but an anthem we live, by worshiping with all of creation, worshiping to remember what God has done, worshiping even when it’s difficult, and worshiping together because we’re God’s family. For more information and to stay connected to all we do, you can find us on Facebook at "CUMC Yokefellow Ministry".
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High School 

   Youth Group:
   Sunday evenings 
   Bible Study:
   Wednesday evenings

Middle School  

   Youth Group:
   Sunday evenings 
   Bible Study:
   Wednesday evenings
Stay connected with the youth of CUMC by following our Facebook page “CUMC Yokefellow Ministry”.